
How to save money for kids: Best saving solutions

If you’ve laid in your bed wondering, “Will I raise a good kid? Will I be able to provide for the kid? you are not alone. Most parents juggle between these issues. As a result, they look for solutions to secure their kids' lives financially.

Beyond Ornamentation: 7 Surprising Uses of Gold

Majority of individuals don’t know what are the uses of gold, other than jewellery & saving. Gold has several industrial applications. It is used in electronics, dentistry, medicine, and is also a popular investment option.

What Is The Rate Of GST On Gold In India?

As Indians, we always like to purchase more gold when our income rises, & we know this from some really strong research. 

Top 5 Reasons For YOU To Save Money In Gold

Read this blog to understand gold investment & make your personal finance game strong. It covers all the good and bad reasons to invest in gold. It will also give you a new perspective & introduce you to the concept of saving money in digital gold.

Most Unique Gift for everyone on your list!

Want to gift something unusual & useful to your loved ones? Well, with our idea you can buy the best unique gifts online in India. Read this blog and you will know.

Know what to buy: digital gold vs physical gold

Digital gold vs physical gold. know all facts about digital gold. be a smart investor and plan your investment with digital gold. Learn how to buy digital gold with DigiGold. know how physical gold affects purity & the selling and buying process.
