
  • 09 Nov , 2022
  • Blog

Scientific facts about gold

Reading time - 3 min

You already might have read in our last blog that chemical symbol for gold is Au, which is derived from the Latin word 'aurum” which means shining dawn. 

If you haven’t, click here to read the top 10 most amazing facts about gold.

If you have read the blog you already know that how the facts get interesting towards the end, right?

Today as the title suggest we are gonna cover scientific facts about gold so without further due, let’s jump straight into gold element facts!

1. Tracer

Green gold, also known as electrum, is an alloy of gold and silver, with trace amounts of copper.

2. Richroid (rich asteroid)

NASA is on a mission to explore a Greek-named asteroid called 16 Psyche that is made completely of metal, it boasts enough gold to either make every person on Earth a billionaire

3. Yes you’re made from Gold!

An average person's body weighing 70 kilograms would contain a total mass of 0.2 milligrams of gold. The trace amount of Gold if turned a solid cube of purified gold will make a cube of 0.22 millimeters in measurement.

4. Gold Injection!!

Gold is used to treat arthritis. Patients that go through 22 weeks of injections using gold salts and see results for relieving pain and reducing stiffness and swelling.

5. Don’t flex, Stretch 

Gold is extremely ductile. A single ounce of gold (about 28 grams) can be stretched into a gold thread 5 miles (8 kilometers) long. Gold threads can even be used in embroidery.

6. Color Royale’

Gold is the only metal that is yellow or "golden." Other metals may develop a yellowish color, but only after they have oxidized or reacted with other chemicals.

7. Are you allergic?

Although gold is a heavy, dense metal, it is generally considered nontoxic & edible, it is a very common allergen.

8. Bet you didn’t see this coming!

Astronauts' visors are coated in a very thin, transparent layer of gold (.000002 inches) to reduce glare and heat from sunlight.

9. That’s why they say - Save water!

Ocean waters are full of gold. There is about 20 million tonnes of the precious metal, worth around $771 trillion, in oceans. But gold in the ocean is so dilute that it cannot be extracted.

10. Magneto proof!

Pure gold will not get attracted towards magnet as pure gold on its own cannot stick to a magnet. However, if you have an alloy of gold, then it could stick to a magnet.

So next time you buy gold you should check this blog out on easy ways to spot fake gold

11. Venomous property of Mecury (Hg)

Mercury dissolves many metals such as gold and silver to form amalgams.

12 .You know this, but didn’t knew why!

High-purity metallic gold is odorless and tasteless. This makes sense since the metal is unreactive.


Buying & storing precious metal like gold & silver requires utmost care & who want to takeon these hassles when we have the gold of 21st century, DIGIGOLD!

With DIGIGOLD you can buy & hold gold in government-trusted vaults until you require physical delivery or opt to sell with a single click.

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